Friday, 30 December 2011

TNT and cutoffs

If I don't finish this damn cartoon soon I'm gonna kill myself.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Celebration Post

I just finished a huge massive chunk of animation for Buck and Rick. Here's some more screenshots.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Bottoms Up - final pieces


Had an idea about gun molls. Everything I come up with seems to star double-acts.

Buck and Rick stuff

I've been working away at the first episode of Buck and Rick for the last month or so. Here's a bunch of pictures. These are all final animation but pre-colour.

Friday, 25 November 2011

New show reel

Rajesh Finesse

This is another concept with nowhere to go. Rajesh Finesse was invented by me and Martin as a response to the lack of Middle-Eastern adventurers around these days. Back in the 20s you couldn't move without tripping over a heroic desert-man but these days all they're allowed to do in films is get shot.

Rajesh Finesse is a daring Arabian prince with a flying tiger-skin rug and an appetite for virgin priestess vagina. He crosses the sand dunes with his colonial manservant, Alabaster Strong (pictured above), seeking out ancient treasures and mysteries and probably genies and stuff. He's also a massive asshole.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Peace Starts With Me - concept art

Having a proper blog is nice because I can stick stuff here that I made a while ago and then forgot about. Like these:

You can see the finished film here.

Bottoms Up

These are some sketches I drew for Bottoms Up, an exhibition based around the idea of surviving the effects of climate change. I think it's being turned into a short film too.

You can look at the final images I made here.

The Tumblin' Dice

These guys are part of a gang in Dead Beat. They're all named after dice rolls in Craps.

Arbitrarily naming characters after cool stuff is the best.

Dead Beat

Dead Beat is a comic I wrote with Martin Woolley about a dead detective investigating the death of his dead girlfriend. It's on hold at the moment until some older projects get finished but here's a couple of test pages I made to try and figure out how the hell you put a comic together.

Ignore the nasty fonts. The text won't look like that in the proper comic.

Thugs and Racists (and probably rapists)

These guys are extras for the bar fight in the first episode of Buck and Rick. It takes place in the most disgusting, violent and racist bar in the world.

Fantom and The Hands

Fantom and the Hands were conceived when me and Martin were trying to work out how short it's possible to make a murder mystery without it being rubbish. They are turn-of-the-century magicians who moonlight as detectives. Gabriel Fantom is a diminutive, womanising escape artist and The Hands is a blind, European sleight-of-hand expert.

It turns out that a murder mystery needs to be at least 20 minutes. I don't intend to make a solid 20 minutes of animation any time soon.



Business Animals


Slick 1960s animal men.